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In the "Yonel Ninja" series, Yonel is captured mid-leap, embodying a moment of pure energy and motion. The first painting, created with spray paint and acrylic brushwork, bursts with color and speed, evoking a sense of motion blur that draws the viewer into the action. An epoxy finish lends a nearly liquid brilliance, enhancing the dynamic quality of the work.

The second painting, done in oil with a combination of brush and knife, adds a tactile, textured dimension, where each stroke intensifies the vigor of the gesture.

This series conveys raw power, encapsulating the very essence of movement and dynamism.

Lightning Jump by Yan Balestra

    • Technique: acrylic on canvas
    • Size: 50cm x 61cm
    • Created in 2023

    The work is unique, with a collector's value and an original signature.