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If one compares carefully, one might notice the subtle differences in this piece compared to the others in the exhibition. Despite sharing similar elements, this piece stands out. To the trained eye, these suspicions are correct. This was the very first piece of the series and the catalyst for creating the cornerstone of the works displayed alongside it. Without this piece, the message about the nipples, vulva, and shame might never have come to light, so the artist insisted on including it in the series. Just as one can see the technique in the exposed layers found in each artwork, one can also see the origin point that unraveled into the exhibition you see today. The artwork is presented on a floating mount with a white vitrine, encased in a high-quality stained linden wood frame, protected by UV92 museum glass from Ateliers Juranord GmbH.

Pudendum #8 by Lucia Fischer

    • Technique: Gold Leaf, Soft Pastel, Acrylic on Mi-Tientes Bisque Archival Paper
    • Size: 56cm x 71cm (with frame) 46.5cm x 60.5cm (without frame)
    • Created in 2023

    The work is unique, with a collector's value and an original signature.